Primary and secondary education in Guyana

In Guyana, education is compulsory for children from the age of five to 16. However, most children begin their education with some form of pre-schooling.

Primary and secondary schools

Guyanese elementary or primary school covers six grades. Basic high school requirements can be completed in 5 years. For more information about the sequence of education in Guyana, take a look at the Guyanese school system section.

Primary and secondary education in Guyana is characterized by a belief in free education. This means that most institutions are government funded.

The curriculum is geared to prepare students for local and Caribbean-recognized certificates like the National Grade Six Assessment, Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination. The system is also defined with the aim of tailoring the education to the needs of the student, whether it’s the type of the school they attend or the specific stream the student enters in high school.

types of school

Primary schools and high schools are divided into two categories:

  • Public schools: Public, or regular, schools have no religious or philosophical affiliation and are run by the government.

  • Private schools: Private schools are independently operated and may follow a specific religion or educational philosophy e.g. religious and international schools.

Want to learn more? Read on about private and international schools for expats in Guyana.

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