Guyanese weather


The average Guyanese person is used to the weather patterns and adjust with few complaints, but is it really that hot? What is the average temperature? And does it really rain that much in Guyana? Read on and find out!

What is the climate like?

Guyana is a tropical country with warm temperatures and abundant rainfall. The temperature climate is hot and humid all year with temperatures ranging between 24°C - 31°C. Although temperatures may drop by a few degrees at night, there is no winter and it does not get cold. 

How often does it rain?

So, does it really rain that much in Guyana? The only seasons you will hear about are the rainy seasons. Rainfall is highest from December-January and May-June and average 2,300mm per year. There is always a risk of flooding on streets and walkways during rainy seasons. Now that you know the rainy seasons, check out the national holidays to see whether your plans may be at risk.

Does Guyana experience hurricanes?

When you experience your first rain shower, you may wonder whether you’re in the middle of a hurricane or tropical storm. It’s most likely just a regular tropical rain shower. Guyana is located south of the path of Caribbean hurricanes and apart from increased rain sometimes, usually remains unaffected. 

Weather apps?

Since the weather in Guyana is fairly predictable, there is little reliance on weather forecasts. Locals almost never use apps to determine the weather. The Hydromet Department is monitors, evaluates and keeps records of Guyana’s weather and climate along with hydrological and oceanographic needs.

Have a look at your options for getting around in Guyana. It may have an impact on where you choose to start your business, find work or find housing.

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