pharmacies & medicine


If you’re using specific medicines prescribed by your doctor, you may be wondering if and how you’ll be able to continue it in Guyana. Will they have the same medicines? Can you transfer a prescription? What if you get sick at night? Read on to find out more about pharmacies and medicines in Guyana.

Where do I go for medicine?

Pharmacists in Guyana are able to give advice for minor complaints. Regular pharmacies are run by individual pharmacists and serve anyone. They typically sell a wide range of over-the-counter medicines. Some hospitals in Guyana have an onsite pharmacy where you can fill your prescription after you have been treated there, rather than going to an outside pharmacy.

Opening hours for pharmacies vary. With the exception of a few hospital pharmacies, there are very few 24hr pharmacies.

How do I fill a prescription?

It is possible to take a prescription to any pharmacy to be filled. You are not required to register at a particular pharmacy or use the same one exclusively. Pharmacies typically require a physical copy of your prescription since digital prescriptions are not used. If you do not have your prescription but have the original bottle or container, some (but not all) pharmacists may still be able to assist.

Will they have my medicine?

Note that your exact medicine may not be available at the particular pharmacy or even in the country if it is not commonly prescribed. Call the pharmacy ahead of time to ask about availability. If it is not available, your pharmacist may recommend an alternative that is used and available locally. Consult with your physician.

How do I pay?

Expect to pay cash for your medicine when you collect your medication.

Can I use my insurance?

It depends. International health insurance is not recognized by most pharmacies so keep receipts for reimbursement afterwards. If you have a plan through a local employer, you may not have to pay directly for the medicine (it depends on the prescription and your insurance plan).

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